In the spirit of Halloween, I have to ask: do you believe in ghosts? Why or why not?
I do believe in ghosts, and for reasons I've already talked about in my last post. I've had too many experiences to count. How can I not believe in ghosts, especially as a Christian? Our ancestors clear to our cavemen days believed in them, and in some ways I think they knew more than modern men do. It's only been since the Age of Enlightenment that people have really stopped believing in them.
But science is currently proving the existence of things previously thought impossible, dark matter and the Big Bang Theory for example. Who's to say that just because the current technology to prove the existence of ghosts doesn't exist yet, that it won't tomorrow? Furthermore, what if ghosts are really just beings who inhabit another dimension where the things we call monsters live? Who's to say that we won't ever have the tools and technology to discover and chart such dimensions? If there's so much that science is finding now, why is it taboo to say there's still a lot left to "discover?"
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