Friday, April 1, 2011

Supernatural, Season 6

Anyone who knows me knows I'm a huge fan of the show Supernatural. I have seasons 1-5 on DVD, and watch it religiously every week. And I'd like to say, on the record, that I love Jensen Ackles (Dean). And Misha Collins (Castiel). And Richard Speight Jr. (the Trickster). It's been solid, compelling storytelling from the get-go. What's even more impressive is how the writers of the show have been so accurate. Usually, they don't get mythology and legends right, but these people have really done their research.

But part of me wishes the show ended with season 5. Season 5 was about the Apocalypse, and they had that. So where do they go now? Where can you go after the Apocalypse? So they've tried to go back to the way it was in the first season where there was more focus on the monster-hunting than the ongoing story arch. And that's cool and all, but I feel like they're off. Seasons 4 and 5 were my favorite seasons because they were so emotionally charged and dynamic, and you never knew who was gonna live and who was gonna die. And now, it's like they've tried their hardest to rub me the wrong way.

Sam was literally soulless, but has gotten his soul back so now is back to being whiny and touchy-feely. I can't decide who I like better: soulful Sam or soulless Sam. Dean is trying to be Father Knows Best while whining about how tired he is of the business. Yeah, we know, we get it already. Castiel and Bobby are in hardly any episodes, and when they are in them, their appearances are usually very brief. All the cool recurring characters from previous seasons have been killed off. That, of course, includes the Trickster who died last season so I don't anticipate his return any time soon. Then again, people have a way of getting resurrected on this show, so I'm still crossing my fingers ;)

But, even if they bring the Trickster back, I don't anticipate him being strong enough to resurrect the show. It's become this lackluster thing that leaves me feeling indifferent towards it, not passionate like I once was. And I certainly don't blame the actors for this. I blame the writers. I mean, I'm not a big crier when it comes to the TV or movies, but I cried quite a few times over the course of season 5 because the episodes were so well written. When Jo and Ellen died to save Sam and Dean, I cried. When the Trickster got ganked by Lucifer, I openly bawled. The writing just doesn't pack the same punch this season. Don't get me wrong, there have been some good episodes this season. I liked their take on fairies and aliens. But the good ones are good because they're funny, and for no other reason. And with the season close to over, I don't know how they're going to tie up this new storyline about the mother of all monsters and purgatory. They've taken way too long to get to the point.

So in the end, I'll still watch Supernatural because I want to see how it pans out, but honestly, I don't expect it to last much longer. Maybe one more season after this one, and adios, Mishamigos...

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