Wednesday, August 31, 2011

My Favorite Episode of a TV Show - Supernatural - "Hammer of the Gods"

Day 30 - 30 Day TV Challenge

It's hard to pick just one episode in all of TV Land that I love, so I settled on "Hammer of the Gods." In it, the audience gets to meet several gods from ancient mythology as they capture the Winchesters and try to decide their fate. Of course, Lucifer shows up to kill them all, and we discover how to reconcile the beliefs of the three major monotheistic religions with all the pagan ones. But what makes this episode special for me is how the archangel Gabriel, who's been in "angelic witness protection," finally stops riding the fence and takes a stand against Lucifer. His sacrifice ranks right up there with Buffy's. Of course, it broke my heart, and I've been bitter ever since...

A TV Show I Never Miss - Supernatural

Day 29 - 30 Day TV Challenge

I never miss an episode. Ever. It's just that damn good.

A TV Channel I Hate - Any of Oprah's Channels

Day 28 - 30 Day TV Channel

Oprah is one of the few people in the world I totally disdain. Maybe it's how she has to have her big, fat - no, thin! - no, fat! nose in everything going on in the world, whether it affects her or not. Maybe it's the way that she finished her last show over a month ago, yet they still keep replaying the three day event over and over just so we can have the priviledge of seeing all these A-list celebrities kiss her ass for a day. Maybe it's how people in Hollywood and the media seem to fear her, and she does nothing to dispel it. Maybe it's the way she uses her position and power to coerce her minions, er, I mean fans, to vote how she votes, like what she likes, read what she reads, and so on and so forth. I mean, why else would she give cars to throngs of adoring fans? I can't stand people like her who knowingly and willingly prey on other people's tendency to be sheep. So I don't watch Oxygen, or any of her other stupid channels that she's taken over. I'm sick to death of Oprah. Why can't she just retire quietly and let the rest of us be?

My Favorite TV Channel - History Channel

Day 27 - 30 Day TV Challenge

The History Channel makes me very happy. I constantly learn new things, and they never fail to disappoint. Where else can you find a documentary about the Bible's origins right before an episode of "Ancient Aliens"? This is one of the rare instances where you can actually get smarter watching TV.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

My Favorite Scene From a TV Show - Buffy the Vampire Slayer - "The Gift"

Day 26 - 30 Day TV Challenge

Edgar Allan Poe said that the death of a beautiful woman was the most poetic of all subjects. But I think that the most poetic of all subjects is the death of anyone who lays down his or her life to save someone else. There's that saying, there's no greater love than of he that lay down his life for another. The way they killed Buffy off in this episode was amazing, and it's always stuck with me. If you've never seen the show, let me explain the situation. Her sister's blood was used in a magic spell to open up Hell on Earth, and the only way to seal the door was to kill the source. But to protect her sister from death, Buffy realized she could sacrifice herself and save everyone. It was tremendously sad, but tremendously beautiful. No other scene in TV has been able to top it.

A Show I Used to Like but Now I Hate - Two and a Half Men

Day 25 - 30 Day TV Challenge

This show was so funny when it first got started, but after a while, it got really old and tired. Charlie was always going to be a narcissistic, misogynistic player while Allan was always going to be a fussy, wimpy tightwad. And of course you have Jake who is really funny because he's such a dumbass, until you realize that more and more children are becoming him, and that epiphany makes you terrified for the future. Charlie Sheen's antics haven't helped anything either. I like Ashton Kutcher, but I don't think he's going to save this nose-diving piece of crap.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

A Movie I'd Make Into a TV Show - The Prophecy

Day 24 - 30 Day TV Challenge

Hello, McFly! Christopher Walken as Gabriel. Viggo Mortensen as Lucifer. Elias Koteas as Thomas Daggett. An hour long adventure every week. What's not to love? Okay, yeah, I kind of have that now with Supernatural, but it could really use more cowbell ;)

Thursday, August 25, 2011

A TV Show I'd Make Into a Movie - Castle

Day 23 - 30 Day TV Challenge

This show is about a mystery writer who tags along with a detective, and the two solve murders. It's like Romancing the Stone for my generation!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

A Show I Would Cancel - Swamp People

Day 22 - 30 Day TV Challenge

I'm not anti-hunter, by any means. I don't like it, and would never do it unless I absolutely had to so I wouldn't starve, but I don't get pissy with people who do enjoy it. This show is the exception to the rule. My husband started watching this on Netflix, and after the first episode, I was physically nauseous. The premise is that there are these guys down in the Louisiana bayou who do nothing but hunt alligators. There's a very good reason for it: evidently, alligators reproduce as quickly as rabbits, so they'll quickly overrun an area. Since they're such dangerous animals, they can't be left unchecked. They'll eat your pets and even your children! So, the rational part of me knows this is a dirty job that must be done. However, I don't like that a camera crew takes you along for the ride to watch them kill alligators. They have to snare them like a fish on a hook, then shoot them in the head through a target no bigger than a quarter. But they show everything. When a hunter shot one of these animals, alligator blood splattered the camera lens as if it were a lame horror movie. But the worst part was when they killed a record breaking alligator who was something like 15 feet long and nearly a thousand pounds. I mean, that was one of God's creatures who'd obviously been alive for years because he was legendary, and wham. Here come some ruthless hunters who kill him and turn him into a pair of boots. It is a disgusting show on so many levels.

A Cancelled Show I Would Bring Back - Joan of Arcadia

Day 21 - 30 Day TV Challenge

I liked this show because it was about an ordinary teenager who was a lot like me actually, who found herself one day talking to God face to face. What made God awesome, though, was that every week he changed. Sometimes he was male, sometimes female. Sometimes old, sometimes young. Sometimes he was a skater, sometimes he was a grandmother. It was pretty interesting, and I was sad to see it go.


I was fortunate enough to be chosen as a GTA for the English Composition program at CSU-Pueblo, and yesterday was my first day. I've never taught before. Anywhere.

Last night, I found myself full of self-doubt. My class was very quiet and obedient. My colleagues had told me beforehand to be tough as nails, to put the fear of God in them. I think I failed on that count. But I think I failed because, quite frankly, I didn't have to be stern with them. They seemed pretty mature. I think that threw me off. Of course, I didn't know it last night. Last night, I wondered if I had done right by them, if I was cut out to be a teacher because obviously, I was weak.

Then there was today. Totally different class. For one, it was much larger. And they were exactly what I'd been groomed to expect. A group composed mostly of eighteen year olds fresh out of high school, who were still in high school mode, and who were a tad unruly. The mean mother of three naturally emerged and showed them who was the alpha. Even though they were a little bit harder to handle in that respect, they did make me feel better about myself.

It made me wonder if a teacher can change their persona to fit each individual class' needs...

Monday, August 22, 2011

An Overrated Show - Glee

Day 20 - 30 Day TV Challenge

I hate Glee almost as much as I hate Fear Factor, and for the life of me, I can't believe people actually think this is a good show. I caught an episode of it once, just to see what the fuss was about, and evidently its awesomeness was lost on me. The only, only, worthwhile part of the show is that Sue character (I think that's her name), the gym teacher or whatever the hell she is. And the only reason she's cool is because she spends her time in the episode telling the other characters how stupid and worthless they are. Truth in advertising, folks! Seriously, I've never met a high school choir or glee club that could sing like that ever. By the way, the singing just begs to be like Grease, but ultimately is as annoying and cutesy as the Mickey Mouse Club, the version with Britney before she was a train wreck, okay? And one more thing before I wrap up this rant: who in the HELL gave this show a spot at Comic-Con?!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

An Underrated TV Show - Robin Hood

Day 19 - 30 Day TV Challenge

When this show was on the air, I think it was pretty popular in England where it aired. But here, it just hasn't gotten the recognition it deserves. I don't think too many people here know about it at all, which is a shame because it truly is an awesome show. This clip is basically a lighthearted montage of Robin alongside his Merry Men.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Favorite Animated TV Show - Transformers: Armada and Avatar: The Last Airbender

Day 18 - 30 Day TV Challenge

There was a tie for my favorite animated TV show!

Transformers: Armada: I'm not that into anime cartoons, but I'll make an exception for this one because it has my favorite incarnation of Starscream, my all-time favorite Transformer. In other Transformers series, Starscream is Megatron's whiny, cowardly, and ambitious 2nd in Command. It's actually kind of funny how he's my favorite Transformer because I usually hate those kinds of characters...Anyway, in Armada, he's still a Decepticon with a bad temper and a fierce hatred for the Autobots, but he's noble, loyal, courageous, and selfless regardless. This clip shows his last-ditch effort to save everyone from Unicron. And yes, I am an uber-geek!

Avatar: The Last Airbender: I never watched this cartoon until the M. Night movie came out last year. My husband, who was a huge fan before, was so disgusted with the movie that he made me watch the cartoon just to see what a grave injustice was done to it. I fell in love with the cartoon (though I still don't hate the movie, much to Larry's chagrin). I know it's supposed to be a kids' show, but the storytelling was superb. Those guys sure did their research, and fused together several religious and spiritual elements to make one hell of a show. But I still think Zuko and Katara should've wound up together. Yeah, you heard me. I just threw down the gauntlet. Fire and water, baby, fire and water!

Favorite Documentary - America: The Story of Us

Day 17 - 30 Day TV Challenge

This documentary was so amazing it constantly gave me chills. I learned tons of new things about American history, and I was pleased that they didn't gloss over the ugly times like history books used to do. The way they presented it, you just had to take the bad with the good. The way they pieced everything together made it clear to me where our spirit comes from, and I felt more proud than ever of us. Seriously, you should look it up on Netflix.

Favorite Reality Show - Hell's Kitchen

Day 16 - 30 Day TV Challenge

I hated reality TV until Hell's Kitchen came along. I will tune in every week just to hear Chef Ramsay inevitably call someone a donkey. I love that guy!

Monday, August 15, 2011

Favorite TV Comedy - Scrubs and That 70's Show

Day 15 - 30 Day TV Challenge

Also a tie...

I didn't really watch Scrubs when it was on the air, but I recently got into it because I have Netflix. It's easily the best comedy TV show I've seen, mainly because of all the sight gags. Oh, who the hell am I kidding? It's funny because of Dr. Cox, okay? God, do you know what I'd pay to be able to go off on rants like that as easily as breathing?

When That 70's Show first came out, I resisted watching it because it was the first comedy show that I knew of that seemed to openly endorse pot smoking. Being militantly anti-drug at the time (I've lightened up a bit, at least where pot is concerned), I was pissed off that the teenage kids on the show could smoke it, and everyone thought it was funny. I don't remember exactly what finally convinced me to watch it, but the first time I did, I about died of laughter. The kids on the show reminded me a lot of me and my friends in high school (minus the pot), but the parents on the show, Red and Kitty, reminded me an awful lot like my grandma and grandpa. Well, except my grandma was a lot smarter than Kitty and had a lot more kids! So this show, like Scrubs, is arguably one of the funniest shows ever. And if you disagree with me, good day to you! I said good day! Dumbass.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Favorite TV Drama - Battlestar Galactica (New Version)

Day 14 - 30 Day TV Challenge

I resisted watching this show because the old series was flat out hokey, but when I finally sat down and watched, I was forever hooked. This show is more than your average sci-fi series. It's full of wonderful storytelling, complicated characters, and suspense and intrigue. It was an ongoing story of surviving extinction and finding a new home. It just happened to be set in outer space.

My Favorite TV Show from Childhood - Xena: Warrior Princess

Day 13 - 30 Day TV Challenge

Point and laugh at me if you will, but I loved Xena. How could I not? It combined two things I loved the most: strong women and Greek mythology. It was awesome!

School Supplies

I bought my kids school supplies today, and as always, had my annual apoplexy in the middle of Wal-mart about it.

I swear, every year the lists get longer and longer! And half the crap they want parents to buy isn't even for the kids, but for the teachers. When I was a kid, our only "extra" item was a single box of Kleenex. Nowadays, my kids are expected to provide 3 boxes of Kleenex, a large bottle of hand sanitizer, Clorox wipes, Ziploc baggies, dry erase markers, trash bags, and paper towels. And now this year, they've added one that just pisses me off: computer printer paper. I think I can safely say for everyone here...WTF?!
I can't even bring myself to be mad at the teachers for this because I know it's not their fault. The effin' districts keep cutting their budgets so much that when they aren't playing musical chairs with the teachers and principals, they're totally shafting them on supplies THEY should be providing the teachers with.

My kids' school, Sierra Vista, raised $15,000 dollars in a fundraising campaign selling cookie dough last year. Guess what for? A brand, spanking new electronic sign that only tells the date, time, and temperature on the marquee scroll. Are you kidding me?! You people can't afford to pay for the basic supplies every teacher in that school needs, but you're raising money for a sign that is, for all intents and purposes, a big, fat, waste of cash? You idiots need to get your priorities straight, okay? It is completely unfair that you're making the teachers buy their own supplies, and it's especially unfair that you're covertly making us parents buy the teachers' supplies for them. And why not? It's not like we pay taxes for that sort of thing...You know, while you're at it, Powers That Be, why don't you take up a cookie dough collection to buy yourselves some really nice, leather, cushiony office chairs, and desks made out of real mahogany from the Amazonian rainforests!

But you know what's really unfair? I spent $230 on all three kids' school supplies (and that didn't even include haircuts, new shoes, and new clothes), and you know what's going to happen to those things the moment my kids take them in? The teachers are going to strip them from my kids and put everything in a community pool. I'm anti-Communism, okay? I have a real big problem with that.

When I started kindergarten, my teachers tried to pull that nonsense, and I bawled about it because I was super excited to have brand new crayons to use, and I was crushed when they stole them from me and put them in their community bin. I went home in tears, and my parents, also anti-Communist, marched right up to those teachers and raised all sorts of hell until they gave me every single thing back. Today, I would do the exact same thing for my kids. The problem is that I couldn't get away with it like my folks could. I would raise hell with the school, but they would exact retribution against me by putting a black mark on all three kids' records. So all I can do in this matter is grin and bear it. Oh, and rebelliously refuse to buy all that extra crap.

Let's address for a moment the matter of the Clorox wipes and hand sanitizer. Do we really need to eradicate every single germ in our lives? I don't think that's particularly good for us. You know, when I was a kid, we did something really novel when our hands got dirty...we went to the bathroom and used plain soap and water. If we spilled something, we used a damp rag or one of those crappy paper towels from the dispenser in the bathroom. There was no Clorox, no antibacterial soap, no hand sanitizer. And egads! We lived. I think George Carlin makes the best point in the following rant:

Carlin is abolutely right. Our immune system needs practice so that when the next Stephen King-esque superflu comes along, we stand a fighting chance of not having our innards turn into a soupy pus that kills us, okay? Jesus Christ, this is how OCD gets started!

As for the other you know what they do with the Ziploc baggies? They stuff the kids' books in them so they can bring them home. You know, when I was a kid, we had a similar device that was just GREAT for storing books. It was called an effin' backpack, pal.

Lord, I wish I had the money to send my kids to private school. I'm so tired of the public school system's atrocious stupidity. Every year, I find myself paying more and more money for a sub-par education. For crying out loud, I'm pretty sure with all the money I'm being forced to fork over, I could probably pay for private tuition easily. Now that I think about it, I'm going to look into it.

Friday, August 12, 2011

A TV Show That Resembles My Life - Dexter - The Dark Passenger

Day 12 - 30 Day TV Challenge

I picked Dexter, not because of the sociopathic, serial killer element, but because as I watch the show, I realize that Dexter makes a lot of the same observations about people that I've made. But I think I picked it mostly because he, like me, tries to find his way through a world he just doesn't understand at all. He doesn't understand how people act the way they do, but he's very smart as to why, as to what motivates them. In that sense, he is like the man in Plato's "Allegory of the Cave" because his thinking is just so much different than everyone else's. He is torn between being who he really is and being the person the rest of humanity thinks he should be. It's a very interesting dichotomy.

A Show Nobody Thinks I'd Like - Robot Chicken

Day 11 - 30 Day TV Challenge

What do you get when you combine sick humor with claymation? Robot Chicken. And I love it. Most people would probably assume a show like that is beneath me, but it's one of those that's so stupid it's awesome. I have a dark sense of humor myself so that helps too.

Thursday, August 11, 2011


The longer I live, the more convinced I become that karma hates me.

Case in point. Things are really starting to look up for me right now. My thesis proposal was accepted. Every teacher I wanted on my thesis committee has agreed to be on it. I was offered a spot teaching a section of English 099. The kids are back in school. I had an epiphany about my novel-in-progress.

But of course, karma has a way of balancing my life out. Whenver good things happen, they're immediately countered by bad things.

This time, it's endometriosis.

I was first diagnosed a year before I conceived my youngest son. My doctor did laproscopic surgery on my belly to scrape out every trace of the disease he could find. Unfortunately, endometriosis has only two cures: pregnancy or hysterectomy. Well, I got pregnant last time. But the doc told me it would eventually come back, and when that happened, I'd need a hysterectomy.

It's back. With a vengeance.

The worst part is I can't even get in to see my doctor for another month! So I'm going to have to try my hardest to make it through a month of excruciating abdominal pain while going to school and teaching comp. I went to the ER because the pain was so bad I thought I'd been stabbed, but they treated me like a petty drug addict trying to scam them for pain meds. In reality, what I really wanted was them to scoop out my innards so I could recover sooner.

My mom had endometriosis when she was a tad younger than me, and when they finally did her hysterectomy, her ovaries had become giant blood blisters, and they had to take those out as well. As a result, she's developed serious conditions over the years. She's had a stroke, severe osteoporosis, and a plethora of other problems.

I just hope that when they get around to fixing me, my ovaries aren't jacked up like hers were. I do not want to wind up a mess like her.

My Guilty Pleasure TV Show - Transformers G1

Day 10 - 30 Day TV Challenge

This was one of my favorite shows as a little kid, but as a 31 year old mother and aspiring English scholar, I should be a tad embarrassed for liking Transformers. Watching episodes of it now, I can admit that yeah, it's pretty cheesy stuff. Even still, I'd pit it against a lot of the cartoons on TV today!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

My Favorite TV Actress - Holly Hunter

Day 9 - 30 Day TV Challenge

I find myself in the same quandry as on Day 8. I don't really have a favorite actress, so I chose Holly Hunter of Saving Grace as my #1. I chose her simply because I love the character, Grace. She's unapologetically all woman, and she lives life to the fullest. Holly Hunter really brought the character to life.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

My Favorite TV Actor - Jensen Ackles

Day 8 - 30 Day Song Challenge

There's a lot of TV actors who certainly deserve a nod, but since I'm having a hard time deciding who exactly is my favorite, I picked Jensen Ackles as my #1. He plays Dean Winchester on Supernatural. Basically, he's my favorite Texan =)

Sunday, August 7, 2011

The TV Show I Can Quote Best - Supernatural

Day 7 - 30 Day TV Challenge

Supernatural is this amazing balance of intense, dark drama and really funny moments. All the characters have great one-liners that are easy to remember. This clip is devoted to Castiel's best lines.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

My REAL Bucket List

1. Write the next great American novel.

2. Learn to play the guitar.

3. Throw the opening pitch at the World Series.

4. Cup Tim Tebow's butt. Hard.

5. Earn my Masters in English, then my Ph.D.

6. Meet Stephen King.

7. Spend at least a year studying at the University of Rome.

8. Build an antebellum plantation style house and horse farm on a huge plot of land up in the Rocky Mountains.

9. Spend a year in Tibet studying philosophy with the Buddhist monks.

10. Learn to speak Irish Gaelic.

11. Learn to speak Latin.

12. Learn to speak Italian.

13. Extensively travel through every country in Europe, starting with Ireland.

14. Make pilgrimages to every holy site in the world that is consecrated to St. Michael.

15. Get my pilot's license and take up flying.

16. Go to at least one Comic-Con.

17. Go to a Metallica concert.

18. Get season tickets to all the Broncos, Rockies, Avs, and Nuggets games, and take all my friends with me.

19. Spend the night in Cinderella's castle at Disney World.

20. Go on at least one late-night talk show host's show, preferably Craig Ferguson or George Lopez.

21. Take up ghost hunting, and eventually appear on an episode of Ghost Hunters.

22. Go skydiving.

23. Go mountain-climbing.

24. Swim with the animals at Sea World.

25. Meet the entire cast of Supernatural.

My Bucket List

1. Build a fuel-efficient time machine, then go back in time and barge in on Stephenie Meyer's parents the night she was conceived to stop them from procreating.

2. Take the police on a car chase in a clown car.

3. Make a politician eat a crap sandwich.

4. Cup Tim Tebow's butt and squeeze it. Hard.

5. Bounce a million dollar check to Jerry's kids.

6. Put together a kick-ass Bloodhound Gang tribute band.

7. Make out with Chris Hemsworth.

8. Find every televangelist in the country and kick them in the nads.

9. Run away and join the circus.

10. Meet the Dalai Lama and first greet him by saying, "Hello, Dolly!"

My Least Favorite Character - Quagmire

Day 6 - 30 Day TV Challenge

Quagmire is an uber-creepy stutterer who rivals Barney for being the most annoying character. The funny thing is that I actually like Family Guy, but I just can't stand this guy!

My Favorite TV Characters - Dr. Cox, the Trickster, and Robin Hood

Day 5 - 30 Day TV Challenge

I couldn't pick just one, so here's the top three:

Dr. Cox (Scrubs): Dr. Cox is what would happen if you put Dr. House on crack. I love his acerbic wit, the way he doesn't care what people think of him, and how he's extremely smart and adept at what he does. But what makes him a good character, I think, is how he isn't just a complete dick who goes off on rants for every little thing. Occasionally, he shows a softer side, even if the other characters don't know see it. That gives him added dimension.

The Trickster (Supernatural): This is a very well-researched character who embodies nearly all the qualities of Tricksters from folklore. I love his ingenious but comedic tricks, particularly in his first encounter with Sam and Dean when he brought classic urban legends to life. Early in the 5th season, the audience learns that the Trickster is really the Archangel Gabriel in "witness protection." We discover a new layer to his character. He's torn because he doesn't want to take sides in Michael and Lucifer's war, yet he can't bear to watch humanity get annihilated in the crossfire.

Robin Hood (BBC Robin Hood): As I've stated in an earlier blog post, this version of Robin Hood is my favorite because he's got a dark side. Most Robin Hoods fall victim to being the archetypal knight-in-shining armor. But this Robin Hood shies away from that classic stereotype; a veteran from the Crusades, he's haunted by his deeds in war. Furthermore, he's not big and bulky like most I've seen (think Kevin Costner or Russell Crowe). He's thin, but he makes up for it by being quick, agile, intelligent, and funny.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Worst TV Show Theme - Three's Company

Day 4 - 30 Day TV Challenge

This theme song is but one of many from the 70's and 80's that just annoys the crap out of me, but I picked this one because it is pure evil. It's one of those damn songs you can't get out of your head no matter what you do!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Best TV Show Theme - Band of Brothers - Opening Credits

Day 3 - 30 Day TV Challenge

I think this theme song artfully embodies everything our troops went through in World War II, and perhaps even what they go through today. It's heroic and glorious, yet deeply sorrowful. It may sound cheesy, but listening to this song makes me think of brotherhood. I guess that's probably what the composers were going for!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

My Least Favorite Show - Fear Factor - Bad Haircut

Day 2 - 30 Day TV Challenge

I hate, hate, HATED Fear Factor! Did they ever actually do anything scary? As far as I can tell, all they did was dumb or gross stunts to win money. P.S. I don't consider sitting in a box with spiders or snakes particularly frightening, and I hate spiders! Plus, it doesn't take any real courage to eat a bug, especially if it's for money. This retarded show should have been called Nasty Factor, or Idiot Factor.

My All-time Favorite Show - Supernatural - I Will Not Bow

Day 1 - 30 Day TV Challenge

I swear this show was custom made just for me. The folklore and legends are well-researched (unusual for a TV show), and the characters and stoylines are compelling. "Supernatural" makes me completely nerd happy.

30 Day TV Challenge

I guess this is the sequel to the 30 Day Song Challenge.

Day 1 - Favourite Show Of All Time.....Supernatural.
Day 2 - Least Favourite Show Of All Time.....Fear Factor.
Day 3 - Best Theme Song.....Band of Brothers.
Day 4 - Worst Theme Song.....Three's Company.
Day 5 - Favourite TV Character.....Dr. Cox, the Trickster, and Robin Hood
Day 6 - Least Favourite TV Character.....Quagmire, from Family Guy.
Day 7 - TV Show You Can Quote Best.....Supernatural.
Day 8 - TV Show With Your Favourite Actor.....Supernatural.
Day 9 - TV Show With Your Favourite Actress.....Saving Grace.
Day 10 - A Guilty Pleasure TV Show.....Transformers.
Day 11 - A TV Show No One Thinks You'd Like.....Robot Chicken.
Day 12 - A TV Show That Resembles Your Life.....Dexter.
Day 13 - Your Favourite Childhood TV Show.....Xena: Warrior Princess.
Day 14 - Favourite TV Drama.....Battlestar Galactica.
Day 15 - Favourite TV Comedy.....Scrubs.
Day 16 - Favourite Reality Show.....Hell's Kitchen.
Day 17 - Favourite TV Documentary.....America, the Story of US.
Day 18 - Favourite Animated TV Show.....Transformers: Armada and Avatar: The Last Airbender.
Day 19 - A Show you consider Underrated.....Robin Hood.
Day 20 - A Show you Consider Overrated.....Glee.
Day 21 - A Cancelled Show You Would Bring Back.....Joan of Arcadia.
Day 22 - A Current Show You Would Cancel.....Swamp People.
Day 23 - A TV Series You Would Make Into a Film.....Castle.
Day 24 - A Film You Think Deserves Its Own Series.....The Prophecy.
Day 25 - TV Show You Used to Like, Now Hate.....2 and a Half Men.
Day 26 - Your Favourite Scene From a TV Show.....Buffy the Vampire Slayer, when Buffy threw herself into the abyss of hell to save the Earth.
Day 27 - Favourite TV Channel.....History Channel.
Day 28 - Least Favourite TV Channel.....Any of Oprah's channels.
Day 29 - A Show You Never Miss.....Supernatural.
Day 30 - Favourite Episode of Any TV Show Ever....."Hammer of the Gods," from Supernatural, the episode when Gabriel finally took a stand in the war between Michael and Lucifer, and he stood up on behalf of humanity.

San Miguel del Milagro - Part 2

I first stumbled across Diego's story nearly three years ago, when EWTN happened to be airing a special about places consecrated to St. Michael. Incidentally, that was the only thing that could've gotten me to watch EWTN. Anyway, the show was hosted by Bob and Penny Lord, and they went to San Miguel del Milagro. Penny, who said she was troubled by some terrible arthritic ailment, drank the water and declared she immediately felt better. I'm all for the power of positive healing, but I was still skeptical. I know that people tend to see what they want to see.

So I researched the place on my own. Tragically, not much stuff can be found in English, and my knowledge of Spanish is limited. Still, I read a statistic that claimed that the well healed over 90% of the people who went there looking for treatment.

Having terrible asthma that feels like it's slowly killing me, as well as excema that is excruciating, I started to think that I should go there.

My idea was problematic, however. God and I aren't always on speaking terms. How could I go to a place like that and honestly expect to be healed? Still, I couldn't put the thought aside. I became more and more certain I should go. It became an obsession with me. All I could think about was this little village in Mexico that I'd never heard of before.

I started to make arrangements to go.

But just when I thought I was free and clear, those drug wars started on the border. American tourists were being kidnapped and murdered by cartels to either smuggle drugs back to the States, or to send a brutal message to the police agencies cracking down on them. My family, terrified of the idea of me going to Mexico, kept pressuring me not to go.

When they didn't try to scare me, they were trying to insist it would never work. Keep in mind how my mother used to be a zealot. Yet, she and my father both told me not to get my hopes up. According to them, they'd really hate it if I went down there, nothing happened, and then my relationship with God would be even worse than it was before.

But the worst thing was when my mother thought she'd turn my pilgrimage into a Club Med retreat. She thought it'd be cool to spend a day in San Miguel, then jet to some Mexican beach for a week to kick back and relax. When she got it in her head that she was going to come along and transform my spiritual journey with her own agenda, I felt extremely uncomfortable. In my mind, it was going to be hard enough to convince God why I should be healed too. But if he thought I was treating this whole thing like he was a magic genie and I was demanding my three wishes, my request for healing would most definitely be denied.

Frustrated with them all, I called the whole thing off.

But though I tried to put away all notions of going to San Miguel del Milagro, I couldn't stop thinking about it. I imagined what the town would be like, and wondered if St. Michael would meet me there. When I first learned of it, I don't think I was spiritually ready to go because I was skeptical and uncertain. But as time went on, my confidence grew. It got to the point that I stopped considering the possibility of being overlooked. As time went on, I became certain I would be healed.

In retrospect, I look at those obstacles in my path, and realize as annoying as they were, they were necessary. I needed the extra time to grow in faith. Now, I think I'm as ready as I can be to make this pilgrimage.

Traditionally, pilgrims walked to their destination, but I'm not walking to Mexico. I think God will give me a pass on that since it is still very dangerous on the border. However, I believe that making a pilgrimage involves a measure of sacrifice, and it wouldn't mean anything if there weren't any danger involved. There's a place in Florida where I could go to seek healing, but where's the sacrifice? Where's the risk? That's why it has to be Mexico.

So, if all goes well, I'll be in Mexico as early as October.

And when I come back, by the grace of God my skin and lungs will be healthy.

San Miguel del Milagro - Part 1

There's a village in Mexico called San Miguel del Milagro (the miracle of St. Michael), and I'm determined to go to there in the very near future. It's the site of the miraculous apparition of St. Michael the Archangel. Here's the story (originally found on a site called "Catholic Devotions"):

While participating in a procession on the Feast of Saint Mark (April 25, 1631), Diego Lázaro saw Saint Michael the Archangel in a vision. Unseen and unheard by everyone else, Michael spoke:

Know my son, that I am Saint Michael, the Archangel. I come to tell you that it is God's Will and mine, that you tell the neighbors of this village and of its surroundings, that in a ravine, which is made of two hills and is in front of this place, can be found a spring of miraculous water for all infirmities. It is under a big boulder. Don't doubt what I tell you, nor put aside what I command you.

Diego Lázaro, perplexed and confused, convinced himself to keep the matter quiet, tell no one, and ignore Saint Michael's message. Naturally, he was certain no one would believe a poor, uneducated peasant.

It was only a matter of days before Diego Lázaro became seriously ill, from what appeared to be a life-threatening heat stroke. He agonized on his deathbed while listening to his family and friends pray for his soul. His suffering was inconsolable, and he lingered between life and death.

While Diego Lázaro lay dying in his small hut, and his loved ones prayed over him, a bolt of lightning had crashed through the windows. This happened so fast and caused such a fright that all the bystanders raced out of the hut and down the hill for their lives.

Abandoned, Diego Lázaro encountered the mighty Archangel-Prince once again. Saint Michael's entrance was intended to drive away the supporters. After a while, those who had abandoned the hut returned, expecting to find it consumed and Diego Lázaro dead. Instead, everyone was shocked and overcome with wonder and amazement. Not only did they find the hut intact, but they also discovered Diego Lázaro still alive, and laying upon his bed as before. To their surprise, with his now clear eyes wide open, he told them, "Don't be afraid for me, for Saint Michael has appeared to me and given me back my health. He took me, I don't know how, to a ravine near here. He went before me, taking huge steps. At the ravine he told me, 'Here, where I touch with my staff, is the fountain that I spoke of while you were in the procession. You must make it known, or you will be gravely punished.'

Saint Michael touched the earth with a golden staff pointed towards heaven, and a great and startlingly brilliant beam of light came forth from the sky to mark and illuminate the place of the spring.

'This light which you have seen descend from heaven is the virtue which God is giving to this spring for the health and healing of all infirmities and necessities. Make it known to all.'

Saint Michael the Archangel somehow had spiritually transported Diego Lázaro to the place he had previously mentioned in his first admonition, and revealed the actual site of the foretold miraculous spring.

When Diego Lázaro finished relaying what had happened, he sprightly jumped up out of bed in perfect health, where only moments before he laid dying. At this, the onlookers and listeners became believers, that the vision was not a mere dream, or even the over-active imagination of someone with heat stroke.

Diego Lázaro journeyed some 20 kilometers east to the city of Tlaxcala, the province's capital. As he had initially feared, nobody believed the "wild imaginings" of an impoverished and uncultured citizen. In fact, he was severely reprimanded and threatened with physical punishment if he persisted in telling his story. But they didn't succeed in discouraging him with their cruel reception. Upon returning home to his wife and parents, he decided they should all try to find the place revealed by Saint Michael and sanctified by the virtue of God.

The site of the miraculous spring was a hill divided by a great ravine called "the Place of the Turkey Vultures" (Tzopilotitlan) and "the Place of the Back Water" (Tzopiloatl). Half way up this earthen divide was the site Saint Michael had designated with his golden staff, however, the holy well directly beneath where he touched was not exposed in any way. Instead, it was covered and hidden from discovery by a large and heavy stone; the boulder spoken of during the second apparition.

Upon arriving at the site, Diego Lázaro told his parents and wife exactly where they must dig. His knowledge of where to dig, although accurate, was insufficient. Even when all four pushed together, they couldn't dislodge the huge slab. It was too heavy for them.

While they struggled in vain to uncover the holy well, a handsome young man, a stranger never seen before or afterwards, appeared from out of nowhere and offered to help. He merely touched the slab and it began to move freely and easily. Thereupon, all four commenced digging till they beheld the crystalline spring. The sacred well contained water clearer than mountain air. But once more, Diego disobeyed Michael and resisted telling anyone what he'd found.

Some six months later, on November 13th, Diego Lázaro participated in another festival; this one honoring San Diego de Alcalá. During Mass, he was mystically overcome and painfully attacked physically. He felt something invisible assault his limbs with bone-breaking pain. Everything hurt. Unable to bear this excruciating and mysterious pain, he struggled back to his little straw hut in agony, confused, and in a quandary. In no condition to move, Saint Michael appeared a third time to a very humbled Diego Lázaro. On this occasion his admonition was most severe. He spoke in a powerful and commanding voice:

Why are you a coward and negligent in fulfilling what I entrusted to you? Do you wish that I punish you by another means for your disobedience? Get up and make known what I have commanded you.

After this last of Saint Michael's strict orders, Diego Lázaro's unexplainable ailment disappeared. Instilled with the Saint Michael's words, he experienced a newfound courage and faith. No longer a reluctant messenger of God's grace, he immediately and docilely returned to the place of the miraculous spring and filled several containers with a substantial amount of the holy water.

Renewed in spirit, Diego Lázaro set out to share his blessed fortune, but not with civil authorities. This time he journeyed to Puebla de los Angeles (the town of the angels), where the Bishop of the province resided, and obtained an audience with him. To Diego Lázaro's delight, his Excellency promised to have the apparitions investigated. As proof of the miracle, the Bishop mandated that the water Diego Lázaro shared be distributed both among the sick within his household as well as throughout the infirmary of the Royal Hospital. All who drank the water regained perfect health.