Monday, August 15, 2011

Favorite TV Comedy - Scrubs and That 70's Show

Day 15 - 30 Day TV Challenge

Also a tie...

I didn't really watch Scrubs when it was on the air, but I recently got into it because I have Netflix. It's easily the best comedy TV show I've seen, mainly because of all the sight gags. Oh, who the hell am I kidding? It's funny because of Dr. Cox, okay? God, do you know what I'd pay to be able to go off on rants like that as easily as breathing?

When That 70's Show first came out, I resisted watching it because it was the first comedy show that I knew of that seemed to openly endorse pot smoking. Being militantly anti-drug at the time (I've lightened up a bit, at least where pot is concerned), I was pissed off that the teenage kids on the show could smoke it, and everyone thought it was funny. I don't remember exactly what finally convinced me to watch it, but the first time I did, I about died of laughter. The kids on the show reminded me a lot of me and my friends in high school (minus the pot), but the parents on the show, Red and Kitty, reminded me an awful lot like my grandma and grandpa. Well, except my grandma was a lot smarter than Kitty and had a lot more kids! So this show, like Scrubs, is arguably one of the funniest shows ever. And if you disagree with me, good day to you! I said good day! Dumbass.

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