Friday, August 12, 2011

A TV Show That Resembles My Life - Dexter - The Dark Passenger

Day 12 - 30 Day TV Challenge

I picked Dexter, not because of the sociopathic, serial killer element, but because as I watch the show, I realize that Dexter makes a lot of the same observations about people that I've made. But I think I picked it mostly because he, like me, tries to find his way through a world he just doesn't understand at all. He doesn't understand how people act the way they do, but he's very smart as to why, as to what motivates them. In that sense, he is like the man in Plato's "Allegory of the Cave" because his thinking is just so much different than everyone else's. He is torn between being who he really is and being the person the rest of humanity thinks he should be. It's a very interesting dichotomy.

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