Sunday, March 20, 2011

Missiles Against Libya

I was watching some European news cast, from Holland I think, and the topic was how world opinion is turning against America now that we've bombed the hell out of Libya.


The U.N. has been pushing the U.S. to do something about this Libyan uprising, and now those countries are mad at us for doing exactly what they wanted? Hypocrites, I swear...

I find it especially interesting that France pushed us into this situation. This is the same country who, for the last ten years, has been adamantly opposed to our wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Hasn't their slogan been "no blood for oil"? They wouldn't lift a finger to help us because they thought we had no right to interfere. Their people publicly condemned us, saying we didn't really care about the terrorists, we were just worried about oil. And that was partially true, we were worried about the oil for good reason, but to them, we were the evil, imperialist Americans going to war with anyone as easily as John Wayne fighting a bad guy in a movie. And now they want us to get involved in an uprising we have no business interfering with?

Funny how being a stone's throw across the Mediterranean from an unstable country changes your opinion on these things, isn't it?

Incidentally, France gets it's oil from Libya. Coincidence? I think not.

While I'm not opposed to Qaddafi's inevitable overthrow because he's an evil bastard who's killed a lot of innocent people through the years, I don't think we belong there. And make no mistake, taking out Libyan air defense isn't the end of it. The only way this is going to get resolved is if we go in on foot to kill all of Qaddafi's supporters. But our resources are already stretched too thin. Our economy is to its breaking point. Our soldiers are tired, having served multiple tours in Iraq and Afghanistan. And most importantly, there is nothing in Libya worth a single drop of American blood. If we do anything, I think it should be to arm the rebels with weapons, just like we did for Afghanistan back when they were fighting Russia. Give them the means to take care of Qaddafi themselves. This is their battle, after all, not ours.

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