Thursday, December 8, 2011

It's Tebow Time!

So, I confess. I love Tim Tebow! I've been one of his staunch supporters from the get-go, since last year when we first got to see him play. I've consistently ignored the critics dogging him left and right. I was uber ticked that the Broncos didn't let him play more last year simply because he's so fun to watch. Plus, I love his work ethic, the fact that he sets a good example for kids, and that he doesn't engage in the petty trash-talk so prevalent in the world of sports. A lot of people hate him for his outspoken religious beliefs, but kudos to him for it. I'd rather see an athlete kneeling on the sidelines praying than some douche-nozzle doing the chicken dance in the end zone. Even Bill Cosby has given him a ringing endorsement!

But, love for Tebow aside, I don't hate Kyle Orton either. It made me feel bad when Denver fans booed him off the field. He's a good guy, and although he just didn't do well with us, I hope when his hand heals he has better success in Kansas City. Sort of. Give me a break, people, KC is one of our division rivals! But I hope he has the chance to be an awesome quarterback on par with Peyton Manning and Tom Brady. He deserves it. Still, here's something funny that a local Colorado Springs man put together:

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