Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Sacred Writing

What albums did you listen to most while growing up?

My mom was a huge fan of the band, Pink Floyd, and she was morbidly depressed throughout most of my childhood, so I listened to The Wall at least ten times a day. There was a point that if I heard the song "Comfortably Numb" one more time, I was going to scream! Can you imagine being six years old and wanting to kill yourself, but not knowing why? Okay, I'm exaggerating about that last part, but I was still pretty sick of Pink Floyd when I was a kid. The ironic thing is that now, they're my all time favorite band!

I also listened to the various albums by artists from the 70s. My parents were teenagers in the 70s, so that's mostly why. I grew up on the Moody Blues and Alan Parson's Project, my dad's favorites.

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