Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Sacred Writing

Make a list of movies you think everyone should see at least once.

1. The Prophecy
2. The Green Mile
3. The Shawshank Redemption
4. What Dreams May Come
5. Casablanca
6. The Lion King
7. The Nightmare Before Christmas
8. Scrooged
9. Ghostbusters
10. Paranormal Activity
11. The Exorcist
12. Pirates of the Caribbean
13. Flatliners
14. Michael
15. Edward Scissorhands
16. Batman Begins
17. The Dark Knight
18. Thor
19. X-men
20. The Lord of the Rings
21. Huck Finn (with Elijah Wood)
22. The Road
23. Charade
24. American Psycho
25. McClintock
26. Titanic
27. What's Eating Gilbert Grape
28. City of Angels
29. Angels and Demons
30. Harry Potter

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