Thursday, November 10, 2011

Mortal Kombat, Round 2

So, for kicks, I decided to write those Mortal Kombat fan-fic stories I talked about in an earlier post, and I started constructing my Sub-Zero one as carefully as I would a piece of serious literature.

I promise you, I'm trying to write this like I'm Shakespeare. I say this because I perused some internet fan-fic to see what kinds of trends were going on.

Jesus effin Christ!

The writers of some of this drivel shouldn't be allowed to own a computer, much less operate one and post stuff to the internet. Who the hell taught these people how to write?

There were so many problems with their fan-fic that I really don't know where to begin bitching about it. The biggest problem is that 99% of them were so anxious to see their favorite Mortal Kombat character in a story that they didn't take the time to actually develop a story. Good lord, I hate Stephenie Meyer's work, but at least she actually took the time to hammer out how necrophilia was going to play a pivotal role in her novels. Mileena's naughty slumber party may sound like fun if you're a teenage boy, but did you forget about her Tarkatan mouth full of razor sharp teeth, and how she's a biter? Trust me, boys, you don't want that chick anywhere near your zipper.

And I'm not even going to address the spelling and grammar issues that arose...

Reading their overly emotive-but-not-well-thought-out crap, I kept replaying that scene in my mind from The Dark Knight, the part where the Joker says, "This town deserves a better class of criminal." I could say the same thing about fan-fic: The internet deserves a better class of fan fiction. And I'm going to give it to them.

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