Wednesday, August 31, 2011

My Favorite Episode of a TV Show - Supernatural - "Hammer of the Gods"

Day 30 - 30 Day TV Challenge

It's hard to pick just one episode in all of TV Land that I love, so I settled on "Hammer of the Gods." In it, the audience gets to meet several gods from ancient mythology as they capture the Winchesters and try to decide their fate. Of course, Lucifer shows up to kill them all, and we discover how to reconcile the beliefs of the three major monotheistic religions with all the pagan ones. But what makes this episode special for me is how the archangel Gabriel, who's been in "angelic witness protection," finally stops riding the fence and takes a stand against Lucifer. His sacrifice ranks right up there with Buffy's. Of course, it broke my heart, and I've been bitter ever since...

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