Tuesday, August 23, 2011


I was fortunate enough to be chosen as a GTA for the English Composition program at CSU-Pueblo, and yesterday was my first day. I've never taught before. Anywhere.

Last night, I found myself full of self-doubt. My class was very quiet and obedient. My colleagues had told me beforehand to be tough as nails, to put the fear of God in them. I think I failed on that count. But I think I failed because, quite frankly, I didn't have to be stern with them. They seemed pretty mature. I think that threw me off. Of course, I didn't know it last night. Last night, I wondered if I had done right by them, if I was cut out to be a teacher because obviously, I was weak.

Then there was today. Totally different class. For one, it was much larger. And they were exactly what I'd been groomed to expect. A group composed mostly of eighteen year olds fresh out of high school, who were still in high school mode, and who were a tad unruly. The mean mother of three naturally emerged and showed them who was the alpha. Even though they were a little bit harder to handle in that respect, they did make me feel better about myself.

It made me wonder if a teacher can change their persona to fit each individual class' needs...

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