Sunday, August 28, 2011

My Favorite Scene From a TV Show - Buffy the Vampire Slayer - "The Gift"

Day 26 - 30 Day TV Challenge

Edgar Allan Poe said that the death of a beautiful woman was the most poetic of all subjects. But I think that the most poetic of all subjects is the death of anyone who lays down his or her life to save someone else. There's that saying, there's no greater love than of he that lay down his life for another. The way they killed Buffy off in this episode was amazing, and it's always stuck with me. If you've never seen the show, let me explain the situation. Her sister's blood was used in a magic spell to open up Hell on Earth, and the only way to seal the door was to kill the source. But to protect her sister from death, Buffy realized she could sacrifice herself and save everyone. It was tremendously sad, but tremendously beautiful. No other scene in TV has been able to top it.

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